Saturday, July 10, 2010

Allegory of the Cave

James Camacho
English 20
Cerritos College

All my life i have had the struggle of not having a father around. He has never came to talk to me, well as far as i remember. Mom said he was around for about two months only. I would expect him to at least come apologize or give an explanation of why he left. But that has not happen and probly never will. In Allegory of the Cave Socrates says " He will require to grow accustomed to the sight of the upper world"(21). In this quote socrates is saying that one day he will have to accept the reality and realized he made a big mistake. Once he sees that i did something with my life he is probly going to be part of it. Once he sees that i have a good career and make good money he is gonna need me. But im never going to be there for him if that was to happen. Just like he was never there for me when i needed him.

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